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Phorcus atratus, Trochidae, top shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine fossils, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pleurobranchus reticulatus, Pleurobranchidae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Janthina janthina, Epitoniidae, violet (or purple storm) snail, bubble raft shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tectarius striatus, Littorinidae, periwinkle, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Siphonaria pectinata, Siphonariidae, striped false limpet, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Felimare tema, Chromodorididae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, Sao Vicente Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Patella piperata, Patellidae, high-shore limpet, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), Chthamalus stellatus, Chthamalidae, acorn barnacle, crustaceans, cirripeds, intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Siphonaria pectinata, Siphonariidae, striped false limpet, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), craftsmanship, handicraft, environmental issues, environmental problems, souvenirs, overfishing, trade.
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Marine fossils, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine fossils, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stramonita haemastoma, Muricidae, red-mouthed rock-shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Phorcus sauciatus, Trochidae, top shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Polycera elegans, Polyceridae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), environmental issues, environmental problems, collection, collecting, souvenirs, overfishing, trade.
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Janthina janthina, Epitoniidae, violet (or purple storm) snail, bubble raft shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Janthina janthina, Epitoniidae, violet (or purple storm) snail, bubble raft shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Janthina janthina, Epitoniidae, violet (or purple storm) snail, bubble raft shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Thetystrombus latus, Strombidae, bubonian conch, stromb, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), environmental issues, environmental problems, overfishing, trade, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Thetystrombus latus, Strombidae, bubonian conch, stromb, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), environmental issues, environmental problems, overfishing, trade, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Thetystrombus latus, Strombidae, bubonian conch, stromb, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), environmental issues, environmental problems, overfishing, trade, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Thetystrombus latus, Strombidae, bubonian conch, stromb, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), environmental issues, environmental problems, overfishing, trade, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Patella piperata, Patellidae, high-shore limpet, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Patella ordinaria, Patellidae, black limpet, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Felimare picta, Chromodorididae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Berthellina edwardsii, Pleurobranchidae, nudibranch, peach snail, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Felimare picta, Chromodorididae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), behavior, sex, reproduction, mating, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Umbraculum umbraculum, Umbraculidae, warty umbrella snail, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), behavior, reproduction, spawn, eggs, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Naticidae (moon snails), marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), behavior, reproduction, spawn, eggs, underwater, La Palma Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stylocheilus striatus, Aplysiidae, blue-ring sea hare, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stylocheilus striatus, Aplysiidae, blue-ring sea hare, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Flabellina affinis, Flabellinidae, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tylodina perversa, Tylodinidae, golden sponge snail, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), Aplysina aerophoba, Aplysinidae, golden sponge, sponges (porifera), behavior, camouflage, cryptic coloration, alimentary homocromy, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tylodina perversa, Tylodinidae, golden sponge snail, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), Aplysina aerophoba, Aplysinidae, golden sponge, sponges (porifera), behavior, camouflage, cryptic coloration, alimentary homocromy, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tylodina perversa, Tylodinidae, golden sponge snail, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), Aplysina aerophoba, Aplysinidae, golden sponge, sponges (porifera), behavior, camouflage, cryptic coloration, alimentary homocromy, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), behavior, reproduction, spawn, eggs, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Micromelo undatus, Aplustridae, wavy-lined bubble shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Conus canariensis, Conidae, cone, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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