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Stenella frontalis, Delphinidae, Atlantic spotted dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Serranus papilionaceus, Serranidae, Serraninae (sea basses), painted comber, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Myrichthys pardalis, Ophichthidae (snake eels), leopard (or golden-spotted) snake eel, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Stenella frontalis, Delphinidae, Atlantic spotted dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Marine fossils, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Larus michahellis atlantis, Laridae, yellow-legged gull, birds, seabirds, behavior, preening, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Pagrus auriga, Sparidae (seabreams), redbanded seabream, fishes, bony fishes, juvenile, underwater, Chinijo Archipelago, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Dardanus calidus, Diogenidae, red hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Dardanus calidus, Diogenidae, red hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Pagrus pagrus, Sparidae (seabreams), common seabream, red porgy, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Squatina squatina, Squatinidae (angel sharks), angel shark, fishes, cartilaginous fishes, sharks, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Lysmata grabhami, Lysmatidae, white-srtiped cleaner shrimp, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, shrimps (carideans), Gymnothorax unicolor, Muraenidae (moray eels), brown moray, fishes, bony fishes, behavior, interspecific relationships, symbiosis, mutualism, cleaning, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Synodus synodus, Synodontidae (lizardfishes), diamond (or red) lizardfish, Scorpaena maderensis, Scorpaenidae (scorpionfishes), Madeira rockfish, fishes, bony fishes, behavior, interspecific relationships, predation, predators, hunting, hunter, prey, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Hippocampus hippocampus, Syngnathidae (syngnathids), Hippocampinae (seahorses), short-snouted seahorse, fishes, bony fishes, behavior, camouflage, cryptic coloration, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Canthigaster capistrata, Tetraodontidae (pufferfishes), macaronesian sharpnose puffer, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Sparisoma cretense, Scaridae (parrotfishes), parrotfish, fishes, bony fishes, female, motion blur, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stenella frontalis, Delphinidae, Atlantic spotted dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Squatina squatina, Squatinidae (angel sharks), angel shark, fishes, cartilaginous fishes, sharks, behavior, yawn, stretching, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Tursiops truncatus, Delphinidae, bottlenose dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, behavior, pod, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Serranus papilionaceus, Serranidae, Serraninae (sea basses), painted comber, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Physalia physalis, Physaliidae, Portuguese man-of-war, jellyfish, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, hidrozoans, siphonophores, pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Planes minutus, Grapsidae, Columbus (or gulfweed) crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, crabs (brachyurans), washed ashore, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Sparisoma cretense, Scaridae (parrotfishes), parrotfish, fishes, bony fishes, male, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Egretta garzetta, Ardeidae (egrets and herons), little egret, birds, behavior, preening, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Sparisoma cretense, Scaridae (parrotfishes), parrotfish, fishes, bony fishes, female, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Sepia officinalis, Sepiidae, common cuttlefish, marine invertebrates, molluscs, cephalopods, cuttlefishes (sepiids), behavior, camouflage, cryptic coloration, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Gymnothorax unicolor, Muraenidae (moray eels), brown moray, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Telmatactis cricoides, Andvakiidae, club-tipped anemone, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, sea anemones (actiniaria), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Delphinus delphis, Delphinidae, short-beaked common dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Larus michahellis atlantis, Laridae, yellow-legged gull, birds, seabirds, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Phorcus atratus, Trochidae, top shell, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, snails and relatives (prosobranchs), intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Chromis limbata, Pomacentridae (damselfishes), Azores chromis, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Chromis limbata, Pomacentridae (damselfishes), Azores chromis, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Telmatactis cricoides, Andvakiidae, club-tipped anemone, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, sea anemones (actiniaria), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Globicephala macrorhynchus, Delphinidae, short-finned pilot whale, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Octopus vulgaris, Octopodidae, common octopus, marine invertebrates, molluscs, cephalopods, octopods, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Octopus vulgaris, Octopodidae, common octopus, marine invertebrates, molluscs, cephalopods, octopods, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Pomadasys incisus, Haemulidae (grunts), bastard grunt, fishes, bony fishes, behavior, school, shoal, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Parapristipoma octolineatum, Haemulidae (grunts), african striped grunt, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, La Palma Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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