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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Bathygobius casamancus, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Sao Vicente Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Exaiptasia diaphana, Aiptasiidae, glasrose, yellow aiptasia, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, sea anemones (actiniaria), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Aiptasia couchii, Aiptasiidae, trumpet anemone, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, sea anemones (actiniaria), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Vanneaugobius canariensis, Gobiidae (gobies), Canary Islands goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tubeworm, marine invertebrates, segmented worms (annelids), polychaetes, sedentary polychaetes, intertidal, tide pools, at night, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Tubeworm, marine invertebrates, segmented worms (annelids), polychaetes, sedentary polychaetes, intertidal, tide pools, at night, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Palaemon elegans, Palaemonidae, rockpool shrimp, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, shrimps (carideans), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Palaemon elegans, Palaemonidae, rockpool shrimp, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, shrimps (carideans), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), ntertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), ntertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Pagurus anachoretus, Paguridae, striped hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Aiptasia couchii, Aiptasiidae, trumpet anemone, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, sea anemones (actiniaria), juvenile, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Clibanarius aequabilis, Diogenidae, hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Clibanarius aequabilis, Diogenidae, hermit crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, anomura, hermit crabs (paguroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Palaemon elegans, Palaemonidae, rockpool shrimp, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, shrimps (carideans), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Balanophyllia regia, Dendrophylliidae, golden star coral, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, anthozoans, stony corals, polyps, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stylocheilus striatus, Aplysiidae, blue-ring sea hare, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Stylocheilus striatus, Aplysiidae, blue-ring sea hare, nudibranch, marine invertebrates, molluscs, gastropods, nudibranchs and relatives (heterobranchs), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Sal Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Asterina sp., Asterinidae, cushion star, marine invertebrates, echinoderms, sea stars (asteroidea), intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Gobius niger, Gobiidae (gobies), black goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Gobius niger, Gobiidae (gobies), black goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Parablennius parvicornis, Blenniidae (blennies), rock-pool blenny, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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