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Spheniscus magellanicus, Spheniscidae (penguins), Magellanic penguin, birds, seabirds, behavior, preening, Puerto Deseado, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Sphyrna sp., Sphyrnidae (hammerhead sharks), hammerhead, fishes, cartilaginous fishes, sharks, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Epinephelus marginatus, Epinephelidae (groupers), dusky grouper, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Cardisoma armatum, Gecarcinidae, rainbow land crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, crabs (brachyurans), at night, Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Enchelycore anatina, Muraenidae (moray eels), fangtooth moray, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mirounga leonina, Phocidae, Southern elephant seal, marine mammals, pinnipeds, female, cow, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Astropecten aranciacus, Astropectinidae, red comb-star, marine invertebrates, echinoderms, sea stars (asteroidea), underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Otaria byronia, Otariidae, South American sea lion, marine mammals, pinnipeds, female, cow, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Velella velella, Porpitidae, by-the-wind sailor, jellyfish, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, hidrozoans, athecate hydroids, pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mirounga leonina, Phocidae, Southern elephant seal, marine mammals, pinnipeds, female, cow, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, eggs, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Physalia physalis, Physaliidae, Portuguese man-of-war, jellyfish, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, hidrozoans, siphonophores, pleuston, reflection, Pico Island, Azores Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean.
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Physalia physalis, Physaliidae, Portuguese man-of-war, jellyfish, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, hidrozoans, siphonophores, pleuston, reflection, Pico Island, Azores Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean.
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Muraena augusti, Muraenidae (moray eels), black moray, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Epinephelus marginatus, Epinephelidae (groupers), dusky grouper, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Fuerteventura Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Caretta caretta, Cheloniidae, loggerhead sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Dermochelys coriacea, Dermochelyidae, leatherback sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, hatchling, juvenile, Rosalie Bay, Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
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Caretta caretta, Cheloniidae, loggerhead sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, reproduction, spawn, eggs, laying, nesting, at night, Boa Vista Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Tursiops truncatus, Delphinidae, bottlenose dolphin, marine mammals, cetaceans, odontocetes, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Egretta garzetta, Ardeidae (egrets and herons), little egret, birds, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Calidris alba, Scolopacidae (sandpipers), sanderling, birds, waders, shorebirds, intertidal, reflection, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Otaria byronia, Otariidae, South American sea lion, marine mammals, pinnipeds, male and female, bull and cow, silhouettes, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mirounga leonina, Phocidae, Southern elephant seal, marine mammals, pinnipeds, female, cow, behavior, scratching, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Diplodus vulgaris, Sparidae (seabreams), two-banded seabream, fishes, bony fishes, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Lepidochelys olivacea, Cheloniidae, olive ridley sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, female, behavior, arribada (mass nesting), reproduction, spawn, laying, nesting, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Ligia italica, Ligiidae, sea roach, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, isopods, intertidal, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Physalia physalis, Physaliidae, Portuguese man-of-war, jellyfish, marine invertebrates, cnidarians, hidrozoans, siphonophores, pleuston, washed ashore, strandings, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Mauligobius maderensis, Gobiidae (gobies), goby, fishes, bony fishes, intertidal, tide pools, underwater, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Larus michahellis atlantis, Laridae, yellow-legged gull, birds, seabirds, behavior, yawn, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Cardisoma crassum, Gecarcinidae, mouthless land crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, crabs (brachyurans), Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Pacific Ocean.
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Calidris alba, Scolopacidae (sandpipers), sanderling, birds, waders, shorebirds, intertidal, reflection, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Calidris alba, Scolopacidae (sandpipers), sanderling, birds, waders, shorebirds, intertidal, reflection, Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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Dermochelys coriacea, Dermochelyidae, leatherback sea turtle, marine reptiles, sea turtles, hatchling, juvenile, Rosalie Bay, Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.
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Phalacrocorax magellanicus, Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants and shags), Magellan cormorant, rock shag, birds, seabirds, Puerto Deseado, Patagonia, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean.
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Balaenoptera musculus, Balaenopteridae, blue whale, marine mammals, cetaceans, mysticetes, baleen whales, tail, fluke, Pico Island, Azores Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean.
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Grapsus adscensionis, Grapsidae, lightfoot crab, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods, crabs (brachyurans), behavior, molting, exoskeleton, cuticle, ecdysis, exuvia, intertidal, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.
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